Friday, September 7, 2007

Choosing Your Historical Figure

In an effort to eliminate redundant presentations, each student must select three individuals who they are interested in researching.

I will selection one of your three individuals on a first come, first served basis. However, in order for your selection to valid, you must post your selection with the following information:


Each choice is worth 3 points, your entire entry is worth 9 points.

To post your assignment, simply double click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of this posting. Then type your response in the comment box. Choose your identity as "other", and record your name by typing in only your fist name with a last letter initial (Jonny J.). Then click 'publish your comment.'


Anonymous said...

1. empress Theodora-cad.500-548
married Justinian and became empress
got Justinian to give more rights to women.
Belived to have great power within the royal walls.

2.Queen Nzinga- c.1582-1663
african woman who took part in politics.
became queen.
negotiated peace agreement with portugeese.

3. Elizabeth 1-1533-1607
one of the most popular rulers.
never married
death celebrated as holiday for 200years

Anonymous said...

First choice-Queen Nzinga
Years- 1582-1663
Accomplishment- Queen Nzinga was known for her military leader ship skills.

Second choice-Mansa Musa
Years- 1312-1337
Accomplishment-Mansa Musa rulled the West African empire of Mali with great skill and organization

Third choice-Elizabeth l
Accomplishment-When Elizabeth became queen she surrounded herself with intelligent advisers.

Anonymous said...

1. Name:Queen Nzinga
Accomplishment:Nzinga was the first black person to become a portugeuse Queen even though she was African American.

2. Name:Empress Theodora
Date:500-548 died of cancer
Accomplishment: She was the first female to help make laws to let women have more rights as individuals.

3. Name:Augustus
Accomplishment:Augustus became the fist Roman Emperor

Anonymous said...

1.Elizabeth 1
helped make England stronger

2.Empress Theodora
was a artist and empress that married someone she wasn't supposed

3.Queen Nzinga
led politics and war unlike most wemon

Anonymous said...

1.My first choose is Elizabeth1.
She made England stronger.

2.My second choose is Queen Nzinga.

She was one of the women to help her state.

3.My third choose is Empress Theodora.

She was a very hard worker.

Anonymous said...

1st:joan of ark
historical acoplishment:
joan of ark fought in the french war.and was foung guilty for improper dress and served 2 decades of jail and after getting oit she was found not guilty

2nd: empress theodora
year: 500-548
historical accomplishment:empress theodora gave more wrtoes to women

3rd:Queen nziga
historical accomplishment:
she became a queen and unslaved africans in her territory

Anonymous said...

1.Empress Theodora
granted more rights to women

2.Queen Elizabeth 1
turned England into a strong, prosperous country

3.Leonardo da Vinci
Painted masterpieces,made scientific discoveries including dissections,observations of the flight of birds and researched the movement of water current

Anonymous said...

First choice Ramses 11
life 1279-1213 B.C
Egyption Ruler also completed the temple of karnak

Second choice King David
1000-970 B.C
Fought and killed Goliath the Giant

Third choice Hammurabi
1792-1750 B.C
Babylon King

Anonymous said...

1st choice George Washington
The first president of the United States & co signer of the Decloration of Independence.
Years lived 1775-1778

2nd choice Benjamin Franklin
Co writer of the Decloation of Independance & a famous invetor.
Years lived 1775-1778+

3rd choice John Adams
The 2nd president of the United States of America, writer & sigmer of the Decloration of Independance. Years lived 1775-1778+

Anonymous said...

1st choice:Lucius Quinctius Cincinatus
Years:519-438 B.C.
Accomplishment: He was asked to lead Rome.

2nd choice:Mahammad
Years: 570-632
accomplishment: he would go to a cave and sleep there alone and think about the problems in Makkah and eventually he solved them.

3rd choice:Zheng He
accomplishment: at the age of twelve he became an assistant of a young prince named Zhu Di.

Anonymous said...

Person: Leonardo Da Vinci
Born-Death: 1482-1519
Accomplishment: The Mona Lisa

2.Person: Otzi the Iceman
Time Period lived in: C.3300 B.C.
Accomplishment: Prehistoric Iceman

3.Person: Muhammad
Born-Death: 570-632 A.D.
Accomplishment: Messenger of God

Anonymous said...


born 750 b.c. dided unknown
he wrote great pomes


1000-970 b.c
he is famos for many things

Prince Shotoku

he was a vary famos prince

Sage D. said...

1.Elizabeth I
3. Elizabeth I and her advisors worked to gether to make England a prosperous country. She sent aid to the French Huguenots and the Protestants in Scotland and Netherlands. She also kept Spain from invading England
Joan of Arc
Joan received visions from angels telling her to lead France against the English. She convinced Charles VII to let her help France. She helped the French fight against the English to drive them out of France. When she went with the French troops she was in front of them all, encouraged them and told them what to do.

Catherine De' Medici
She started a dance theater pageant, considered to be the first ballet.
She expanded the royal library and supported the arts.
She influenced her sons, Kings Francis II, Charles IX and Henri III

Anonymous said...

$1399 - Asia and Europe Airfare Bargain
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle or Portland - Hong Kong - Bangkok - Athens or Rome, Milan, Madrid, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich, Copenhagen or Stockholm, land to London, London - New York, Boston or Washington DC.

Anonymous said...

Remus II
Ruled from 1279-1213 B.C.
fought the philistines made more monuments than any other pharaoh.

King David
1000-970 B.C.
defeated the Goliath giant

1473-1458 B.C.
restored Egypt's economy got wealth
from Asia and Africa.